2 Quick Questions

Mikey *jeffdb@netzone.nospam.com
Thu Jul 3 11:59:00 GMT 1997

I don't know what the proper binding is, but I did want to warn you,
that using bind in your .bashrc will mess up termcap/info bindings
for telnet/xterm. (at least it did for me on win95 ;^)

I don't know if this is true for .inputrc or not.

You can cancel auto dial by opening dialup networking, and selecting
&Connections &Settings &Prompt to use dialup networking.

On Thu, 3 Jul 1997 10:25:54 +0100, you wrote:

>Hello everybody, I have been trying to bind control-left to backward-word
>and control-right to forward word for command line editing in bash.  I have
>tried the obvious 
>bind '"\C-\e[D":forward-word'
>bind '"\C-\e[C":backward-word'
>but that doesn't seem to work.  Any suggestions?  BTW, I have my term set
>to linux and as far as I can tell the termcap is being loaded correctly.
>My second question isn't really a gnu-win32 question but it is sort of
>realted.  I have downloaded the X-Win32 demo X server and have started
>porting my X applications.  Everything works great on my desktop computer
>(that is connected to a network) but on my notebook starting X-Win32 or any
>X application attempts to connect to my dialup service.  If I cancel the
>the dialup everything proceeds normaly.  Is there anyway to stop X-Win32
>from doing this?
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