gcc does not works at all

J. P. Shipherd jp@awesome.nuancecom.com
Thu May 22 18:33:00 GMT 1997


  This output generally means you're mixing b17 and b18 stuff somehow.  Make sure the the b17 cygwin.dll is gone from your system and that none of the old b17 binaries are in your path.


> Hi,
> I get the error messages:
> <unkwown> heap_init: unable to allocate heap, win32 error 87
> cygwin: terminating
> <unknown> In cygwin_except_handler
> <unknown> Exception trapped!
> <unknown> exception C0000005 at 1001E4B2
> <unknown> exception: ax 0 bx cx 6 dx 7
> <unknown> exception: si 322E372E di 322D7375bp 241FB60 sp 241FB60
> <unknown> exception is: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
> <unknown> Stack trace:
> ..  on so on
> I would be very appreciative for any help on this.
> Thanks in advance
> Rolf
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