Focus-follows-mouse on NT?

David Ascher
Tue Nov 11 09:09:00 GMT 1997

On Tue, 11 Nov 1997, Larry Hall wrote:

> >This is straying from gnuwin, but what about the other part of the
> >original question, which was to prevent the dialog boxes from
> >automatically grabbing focus?  I keep typing things and ending up with
> >saying "OK" to various dialog boxes when I don't necessarily mean to.
> Go to the control panel, mouse, motion, and uncheck "Snap mouse to the
> default button in dialogs".

Actually, that's not what I'm talking about.  Here's the scenario

  1) start long download from MSIE, NS4, whatever.
  2) start emacs
  3) type, type, <cr>, type, type, <cr>, type..

  --> download is done, some confirmation dialog shows up, *grabs focus*

  3) type, type, type, <cr>

  <cr> ==> means "OK" in the dialog box -- it should have gone to emacs.

is that clearer? 


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