B19 and gcc include / lib paths?

Michael Hirmke mh@mike.franken.de
Thu Apr 2 09:35:00 GMT 1998

Hi Hauke,

>after a vanilla B19 (NT4) installation gcc does neither find its standard
>includes nor the standard libs. Setting
>	GCC_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/H-i386-cygwin32/i386-cygwin32/include


>didn't help, the FAQ is silent on this. Anything else I could tune? (This
>has "just worked" with B18.)
>	hauke

Michael Hirmke           | Telefon +49 (911) 557999
Georg-Strobel-Strasse 81 | FAX     +49 (911) 557664
90489 Nuernberg          | E-Mail  mailto:mh@mike.franken.de
                         | WWW     http://minimike.franken.de/
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