rxvt win32 port updated

Charles Wilson cwilson@ee.gatech.edu
Fri Apr 30 18:32:00 GMT 1999

Sorry to respond to my own message, but I messed up....

Charles Wilson wrote:

> "$Bill Luebkert" wrote:
> > 3) There is an annoying console window that comes up and stays for the duration
> >    of xterm.  I can live with this if I have to, but is there a way to dump it?
> >    tcsh commands are being put into the console title as they are executed.
> >
> Two ways:
>     (1) recompile rxvt according to the instructions, but during the re-link step,
> use -Wl,-subsystem,windows in addition to -lgdi32 -luser32
>         I've tried this, it works as well as the distributed binary -- but see my
> next message to the list on the problems I'm having with it.

NOPE - I take it back. The distributed version works better than the one compiled
using -Wl,-subsystem,windows. You'll probably have to use solution #2. As it turns
out, the -Wl,.... version, when running cmd.exe, only puts output into the rxvt
window for commands that are built into cmd.exe. All other commands pop up a new cmd
window, do their thing, and then close that cmd window. Yuck. I really don't
understand this - it's as if the cmd.exe process displaying within the rxvt window is
unable to pass the stdout/stdin/stderr filehandles to its subprocesses - but only
when the rxvt is compiled as a native windows app.

Using run, things just work. Except that programs like 'less' pretend that the
terminal size is as big as the scrollback buffer, and never pause. Oh, well - that's
what the scrollbar is for.

>     (2) use run to launch rxvt -- it will hide that console window. You can get
> run from ftp://belgarion.resnet.gatech.edu/pub/cygwin/b20/run/run-1.1.4.tar.gz .

OOPS. ftp://belgarion.resnet.gatech.edu/pub/run/run-1.1.4.tar.gz

> Just rename the run.exe to runrxvt.exe, make sure that rxvt.exe is in your path,
> and launch runrxvt instead. It will find rxvt and start it with no console window.
> --Chuck
> --
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