Repeat: X applications only work for Administrator

Charles S. Wilson
Tue Nov 30 23:39:00 GMT 1999

Michael Hirmke was able to clear up *part* of the wierdness I observed
(below). However, I still am unable to use X applications when logged in
as a normal user. Can anyone reproduce this behavior, or is it just me?

> My installation:
>    Suhaib's cygwin-xfree-4.0-cygwin-v-1.tar X11R6 distribution
>    cygwin-inst-19991122.tar.gz
>    cygwin1-19991123.dll
> I'm using X-Win32, and I have the same X-Win32 settings for both the
> Administrator account and the cwilson account (not a member of the
> Administrators group). I'm also using the same .dotfiles for both
> accounts, so the environment is the same, as well.
> As Administrator, xterm, xclock, etc all work fine. As cwilson, they die
> with the following error:
> cwilson : BELGARION : ~ > xclock
> _X11TransSocketINETGetPeerAddr: getpeername() failed: 128
> _X11TransSocketINETConnect: ...SocketINETGetPeerAddr() failed:
> Error: Can't open display:
> cwilson : BELGARION : ~ >
> Here's the clincher: if I add cwilson to the Administrators group (and
> make NO other changes) xterm and xclock work. If I then, while logged in

This is the part that Michael explained:
> as cwilson, using cwilson's new "Admin" powers, *remove* cwilson from
> the Administrators group, and do NOT log out --- it still works.
> ...Until the next time I log in as "cwilson" -- then I get the same
> _X11Trans... errors as before.

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