Outdated web site

DJ Delorie dj@delorie.com
Sat Aug 19 17:04:00 GMT 2000

> Your site at http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin/ never seems to be
> updated.

That's because people (like you) aren't submitting stories.  There's a
link right on the home page to submit either a news blurb or a
software announcement.

> I understand that you're busy, and I agree that you should spend
> your time with the coding, but if it's too much work to keep the
> site up to date, how about asking someone else to do it? I know I
> wouldn't mind spending 30 minutes per week deleting dead links and
> linking to whatever Cygwin-related sites I come by.

Please do!  We normally act on such contributions pretty quickly,
especially if it's sent in diff format (like people do for sources).

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