CVS permissions problem with network drive

Michael Bresnahan
Fri Dec 8 14:52:00 GMT 2000

I am having a permissions problem with CVS when the repository is on a
network drive.  I recieve the following diagnostics:

bash-2.04$ /usr/bin/cvs.exe co OrderStatus
cvs.exe [checkout aborted]: /g/xapp/users/uscpw084/cvsroot/CVSROOT:
Permission denied

I'm fairly sure I have the security setup correctly, because the direct
NT port of CVS does not have a problem accessing the repository.

The repository is on a HPUX 11 box and is mounted onto the G: drive of
NT box via the "Map network drive" feature of NT Explorer.  The G: drive
is then mounted inside cygwin as /g.

I am using:
    cvs 1.11
    NT 4.0sp4

Any help would be greatly apprieciated.

Mike Bresnahan

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