tar a filesystem outside of /cygwin

Gerrit P. Haase gerrit.haase@t-online.de
Wed Dec 13 12:30:00 GMT 2000

<13 Dec 2000, 9:48 Uhr wars, als Christopher Faylor folgendes schrub:>
< Re: tar a filesystem outside of /cy >

> >The second case is o.k., argument ftp is invalid, but in first case, 
> >not /ftp is invalid, but 'c:ftp' because the quote is a quote and a 
> >backslash or slash is missing in this place, so there is the wrong 
> >error message, IMHO.
> If you do not specify a full path spec, you'll get an "invalid argument"
> error message.
> I don't know why you are having such a hard time wrapping your brain around
> that fact, but that's ok.  I have nothing more to add to this thread.

For me this error-message is like no error-message, if it didn't point 
to the failure i made.

It's only criticism. If this is not wanted...

Gerrit Peter Haase

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