volunteers gratefully accepted

Reid Thompson jreidthompson@yahoo.com
Thu Dec 21 09:06:00 GMT 2000

I would be willing to spend some free time trying to
help.  Unfortunately, I have little experience coding
at the OS level.  Most of my work has been business
level applications.  90%+ in C.  If there is a portion
of a project that you feel that I may be of help on
let me know.


--- Christopher Faylor <cgf@redhat.com> wrote:
> From time to time I do a google search for "cygwin"
> to see what kind of
> links are out there referring to the project.
> I'm always somewhat shocked by the number of pages
> which reference
> cygwin.  I'm almost equally shocked to see that some
> of the pages are
> actually maintained by frequent posters here.
> Given the number of times that we've asked for
> volunteers, I wonder if
> we've made it clear that we'll accept volunteers for
> any part of the
> project.
> For instance, if you are a whiz in web design, we'll
> gladly accept input
> on the web pages.
> If you are a world class author, we'd love to put
> you to work on the
> documentation.
> If you think that you can explain things better than
> the FAQ or that
> there deserves to be more focused explanations given
> on some topics, we
> can easily give you access to our web pages to
> collaborate with the
> current FAQ, documentation, and web people.
> I guess what I'm saying is that I certainly
> understand the desire to put
> your name up in lights on your own web page.  And,
> it is gratifying for
> me to see links to cygwin all over the place.  But,
> I'd like people to
> consider possibly also donating their time and skill
> to the project
> itself.
> It won't be as glamorous.  It won't be as easy.  You
> won't be able to
> say *anything* that you want or make any changes
> that you want.  I, and
> other people, will probably have opinions on what
> you do and will
> occasionally veto stuff or suggest changes.
> But, if you do contribute, your work will benefit a
> lot of people;
> arguably more than will benefit from your personal
> web page.  And, I
> pledge that I'll add your name to the "Who are we"
> part of the Cygwin
> web page.
> If the idea of contributing directly to the cygwin
> project still doesn't
> thrill you, then at least consider adding your web
> page to the "post new
> news" section of http://cygwin.com/ so that we can
> start adding links to
> helpful sites.
> Anyway, don't get me wrong.  I appreciate any work
> that anyone does
> towards helping this project.  However, I hope that
> people will consider
> the somewhat thankless task of working directly
> towards improving the
> project itself by working on some of the parts of
> its infrastructure whether
> that is the web page, the source code, or the
> documentation.
> Christopher Faylor
> Cygwin Engineering Manager
> --
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