stupid question??

Peter Ziobrzynski
Fri Feb 25 09:13:00 GMT 2000

A cute way to run a survey...

We expanding our UNIX ClearCase environment to NT ClearCase clients and
I use cygwin builds to test the interpretation of NT ClearCase Views to
VOBs on UNIX. A complete cygwin build with more then 15000 source files
checked in to ClearCase gives it a good workout.
Thanks cygnus!


Cygnus - Admin wrote:
> Ok, I have to take issue with something here. For a few weeks now I've
> been skimming the posts about all these ports to cygwin
> with NT/95/98/whatever..inetd, etc, etc..
> And my question is, WHY? If you want all these unix programs, why not just
> use unix?
> It's like that scene from "notting hill" (for those who have seen it)
> where he offers the girl apricots soaked in honey, but one wonders why you
> would soak apricots in honey, because then they would taste like honey,
> and if you wanted honey, you'd just buy honey!
> ok, i'm done ranting :)
> -Cygnus
> .-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-.
> Anthony J. Biacco                       Network Administrator/Engineer
>                    Intergrafix Internet Services
>     "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today"
> .-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-.
> --
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Peter Ziobrzynski, ,
home: +1 925 735-6940, fax: +1 425 977-1877 work: 650-318-7679

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