FW: Re: Patch output has DOS line ending

Norbert Schulze Norbert.Schulze@t-online.de
Mon May 1 02:42:00 GMT 2000

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Ring [ mailto:m.ring@ndh.net ]
Sent: Monday, May 01, 2000 10:27 AM
To: cygwin@sourceware.cygnus.com
Cc: Norbert Schulze
Subject: Re: Patch output has DOS line ending

On Sun, 30 Apr 2000 11:40:45 +0200, you wrote:

>Even if the input file has unix format and the patch file has unix format
>and the mount mode is binary
>the patch.exe from cygwin 1.1.0 generates an output file with DOS (CR/LF)
>line ending. The binary
>option doesn't work help says:
>--binary  Read and write data in binary mode (no effect on this platform).

I have had the same problem but thought I was only doing something
wrong. As you have the same problerm I will do the following:

- Send you a patched version to your address
- Attach the patch I did to this mail. The patch works with the
patch-2.5 release from ftp.gnu.org but should also work with the
version from cygwin


Michael Ring

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