_ctype_ could not be located in cygwin1.dll

Christopher Faylor cgf@redhat.com
Tue Feb 6 17:35:00 GMT 2001

On Tue, Feb 06, 2001 at 08:00:18PM -0500, Earnie Boyd wrote:
>"Van Tassel, Bob" wrote:
>> Maybe we need to write a script called "cygtest" that looks like this
>> cygcheck -s -r -v | grep cygwin1
>> echo "You should only see one instance of cygwin1.dll"
>> Thanks, Bob
>I've seen cases where it'll report two even though there's one.  It
>happens when cygcheck searches the path and the path contains more than
>one entry for the same directory.  This can happen even indirectly
>(i.e.: unobviously) and could even be the instance of a `.' in the PATH
>and the CWD is /bin or /usr/bin.

Maybe we should check the inodes of the file.

Oh yeah, right.



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