Cygwin CD?

Charles S. Wilson
Thu Mar 22 14:13:00 GMT 2001

Ed Day wrote:
> Hi Christopher,
> I was wondering if a CD is available with all of this Cygwin stuff on
> it?  Trying to do the Internet install is painful.  I have been at it
> all afternoon and am getting nowhere.  I don't know how you guys make
> your money, but I for one would have no problem paying a fee for the
> convenience of getting this stuff on CD.

Based on information in this list, it appears that Red Hat (who bought
Cygnus about a year ago) has no interest in publishing a CD containing
cygwin.  However, several folks on this list have offered to burn CD's
with the latest stuff and mail it for a small fee --- Earnie Boyd was
one such person, I believe. See 
(although the store itself is "temporarily closed for repairs")


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