Status Access Violation

Patrick Reuter
Tue May 15 01:40:00 GMT 2001


When I run a program under cygwin which is safely running under IRIX and
Linux, I get the following error message:

      0 [main] lod 1260 handle_exceptions: Exception:
  15342 [main] lod 1260 stackdump: Dumping stack trace to
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

administrateur@INTERGRAPH01 ~/lod
$ cat lod.exe.stackdump
Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=004135D4
eax=6107B9C4 ebx=025CF788 ecx=6108E74C edx=00000050 esi=0000000C
ebp=025CF1D0 esp=025CF66C program=w:\lod\lod.exe
cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003B gs=0000 ss=0023
Stack trace:
Frame     Function  Args
025CF1D0  004135D4  (00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000)
025CF694  004135D4  (025CF7D4, 0000000C, 00000001, 000001B4)
025CF804  0040322A  (1A542C58, 025CF884, 025CF8F4, 00403BAF)
025CF8F4  00403CC4  (1A542C58, 00000000, 00000000, 1A547400)
025CFA14  00406AC0  (0043BE4C, 0043BE8C, 00000001, 00405323)
025CFD34  00405A61  (0043BE4C, 1A542C58, 1A542C48, 0043BE8C)
025CFEB4  00411377  (00000001, 1A023684, 1A510008, FFFFFFFE)
025CFF10  61003C02  (00000000, 00000000, 804533B4, FFDFF4E4)
025CFF40  61003DDD  (00410F84, 00000000, 84B7C400, 80065530)
025CFF60  61003E1C  (00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 84B7C430)

Did anybody have the same problem? Can anybody please help me?

Thanks a lot


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