Please try this: OpenSSH 2.9p1 ssh hanging

Karl M
Wed May 16 14:14:00 GMT 2001

Hi All...

Help...Please try this out for me.

I'm still having problems with ssh (2.9p1-1) hanging with

ssh -f -L 5901:localhost:5900 hostname sleep 30

With ssh-2.5.2p2-3 it returns immediately and a "ps -e" about 30
seconds later shows that the ssh process is indeed gone. This is
assuming that I do not connect to port 5901. So it works with

With ssh-2.9p1-1 it returns immediately and multiple "ps -e" later
show that the ssh process hangs around indefinately. This is
assuming that I do not connect to port 5901.

I am also having problems with using the tunnel with 2.9p1-1.
(I'm trying to address the hanging first, in the hope that the
same problem is causing both symptoms.)

In all of this, I am using two Win2000 boxes (Win2000Pro, sp1).
The othe box is always running 2.5.2p2-3; I am only changing
versions on my local machine. The version of sshd does not seem
to matter, only the version of ssh.



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