About Cygwin 1.0

Randall R Schulz rrschulz@cris.com
Sat May 26 11:15:00 GMT 2001

Just when you think you've heard it all...

Maybe the writer meant "immortal" instead of "immoral?"

Randall Schulz
Mountain View, CA USA

At 09:25 2001-05-26, you wrote:
>Thank you for the free Cygwin software. One thing I'd like to talk about:
>I was surprised to find no information on your pages (especially FAQ)
>about the reasons why you have not released the stable Cygwin 1.0
>via the net.
>   Is it that you want people to use the unstable versions in order
>to hasten the development of future versions (by their bug reports)?
>In the spirit of the Gnu Public Licence, that would seem immoral to me.
>If the public develops the software (under GPL) with their contributions,
>they should also be allowed to enjoy the fruits (and not be constrained to
>keep toiling with bugs when a stable version exists).
>   So please, let me know the true reasons why Cygwin 1.0 is not
>distributed on the net.
>   If people could more readily use stable versions in their developments,
>perhaps Cygwin's reputation would improve (as it pertains to reliability).
>I thank you and I wish you success with your Cygwin affairs.

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