.dll.a, .dll files and other questions

Scott A. Smith ssmith@magnet.fsu.edu
Fri Dec 6 05:40:00 GMT 2002

> On Thu, Dec 05, 2002 at 05:19:27PM -0800, Hans Horn wrote:
>>those links on (http://cygwin.com/docs.html) describing how to build dlls
>>seem to be utterly outdated.
cgf wrote:
> Nope.  Recently updated.

After reading the above, I had a look hoping to find more (updated)
information on this DLL business. Am I looking at the same links?
The one for relocatable DLLs
is dated 1997, the one for helpful hints references Cygwin b17
and the one for more information doesn't work at all at the moment
http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/. I was told months ago on this list that 
use of dlltool was deprecated and no longer necessary at all, yet
that is commonly invoked in the above references. As
I recall, the latest dllhelpers does not even use dlltool? So I
am confused. Although I have muddled my way through building DLLs
with Cygwin, I cannot find the updated dox mentioned. Sorry, I simply
don't understand DLL's well enough myself to submit anything.......
but I can say that dllhelpers did allow me to figure how to build
DLLs using what I believe to be the most "modern" means of doing so
with Cygwin/GCC.


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