Another cygrunsrv question

Jack Twilley
Mon Dec 9 20:20:00 GMT 2002

>>>>> "Larry" == Larry Hall <(RFK Partners, Inc)" <>> writes:

Jack> Is there any way to display information about installed
Jack> services?

Jack> I'd like to see what services are installed, what arguments they
Jack> have, what users they run as, et cetera, to help debug this
Jack> perflog problem.

Larry> You can see what services are started with 'net start'.  Not
Larry> sure I know of a utility that gives you all the information
Larry> you're looking for.

It sounds like the kind of thing that could be rolled into cygrunsrv
pretty easily, since cygrunsrv modifies this information and uses it
for services.  Something like "cygrunsrv -L <service>" where
information about a particular service could be displayed, or failing
that, all the services on the system.

(too bad I'm insufficiently skilled to write the code)
Jack Twilley // Tier 2 Support Engineer // Brightmail Inc.
jtwilley at brightmail dot com

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