Bug: fhandler.cc rev=1.116 source code level bug in fhandler_base::dup (fhandler_base *child)

mike stump mrs@windriver.com
Wed May 22 22:23:00 GMT 2002

> 1) What's "gmake"?

GNU make.

> 3) Why would anyone do a dup(dup(-1))?

Because they can.  dup(-1) is defined to return -1, and otherwise not
do anything and set errno to EBADF.

> 4) Why would setting nh to anything affect this code?  This code path is
>    only invoked for /cygdrive or /proc style paths.
> If you have a specific problem, you should provide a test case.  I don't
> see any problems with recursive invocation of gmake jobs with stdio.


	( exec <&-; make foo; )


	( exec <&-; make foo </dev/null; )


	echo me
	ls && echo me

This needs to work.  When it works, one will see an ls, when it fails,
one will get a core file.  On a real unix system (solaris for
example), it works just fine

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