perl-5.8 stackdump on Cygwin

Gerrit P. Haase
Fri May 31 10:20:00 GMT 2002

I got a stackdump w/ perl-5.8 executing a script.
I used this script about four weeks now every day,
always with a recent bleadperl version at two boxes
without seeing problems.

I'll keep on testing and reporting...

Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=C216A00C
eax=00000001 ebx=00000000 ecx=000000F8 edx=00000000 esi=0022E388 edi=0022EC74
ebp=0022E344 esp=0022E318 program=H:\bin\perl5.8.0.exe
cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038 gs=0000 ss=0023
Stack trace:
Frame     Function  Args
0022E344  C216A00C  (0022EC74, 00000001, 0022E388, 00000000)
0022E3B4  6105E8C3  (00000001, 04000020, 1024FAC8, 00000000)
0022F674  6106624B  (00000000, 0022F734, 1024D908, 10230278)
0022F6B4  6106708B  (00000000, 00000003, 0022F734, 1024D908)
0022F6E4  61011669  (0022F734, 1024D908, 10230278, 00000000)
0022F714  610116E6  (0022F734, 1024D908, 00000000, 00000038)
0022FA74  610119EF  (1024D3C8, 1024D908, 00000004, 61092606)
0022FAB4  100A4E9A  (10230440, 1024D309, 00000007, 00000001)
0022FB14  100542C2  (10230440, 1024D309, 0022FB7C, 100A2E78)
0022FC84  100A20EB  (10230440, 102452D8, 1024D309, 00000018)
0022FCF4  100923F6  (10230440, 00000002, 615F732C, 10051CC6)
0022FD24  100508CD  (10230440, 10233848, 1023782C, 00000001)
0022FD54  1000448D  (10230440, 00000001, 0022FE6C, 10009A6E)
0022FE84  1000408F  (10230440, 00000001, 0022FEB4, 0040106E)
0022FEB4  004010DF  (00000002, 615F732C, 10230278, 00000000)
0022FF10  61005426  (00000000, 00000000, 00000004, 77F863DB)
End of stack trace (more stack frames may be present)


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