Hey hey, I now have the emacs 100% cpu usage bug too [CGF, this one is for you]

Ciprian Ciubotariu cipi@softnrg.dnttm.ro
Mon Nov 18 08:53:00 GMT 2002

Well... I got the same problem... but only when trying to useit with X11
(i.e. emacs --no-windows works inside the terminal, but emacs with
$DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 or :0.0 locks on startup with 100% cpu usage). I got
TERM=linux in console and TERM=xterm in X, but there seems to make no
difference to emacs.

Another thing... it only started to behave like this when I updated from
cygwin.dll with some 14 in it's version to the 15 version, the login program
and some x2x (I didn't quite pay attention at the moment, but thinking

I saw someone doing a "strace -w -o strace.log emacs", so i did this too;
the output on the window was:

98385063 [win] emacs 1632 sig_send: wait for sig_complete event failed,
signal 1
4, rc 258, Win32 error 0

The tail of the 9 mb strace.log was:

  176 38384669 [sig] emacs 1632 wait_sig: Got signal 14
  167 38384836 [sig] emacs 1632 sig_handle: signal 14
  200 38385036 [sig] emacs 1632 sig_handle: signal 14, about to call
  172 38385208 [sig] emacs 1632 setup_handler: suspending mainthread
  225 38385433 [win] emacs 1632 sig_send: Waiting for thiscomplete 0xC4
  250 38385683 [sig] emacs 1632 interruptible: pc 0x77F96D34, h 0x77F80000,
rruptible 1, testvalid 1
59999380 98385063 [win] emacs 1632 sig_send: wait for sig_complete event
 signal 14, rc 258, Win32 error 0
  732 98385795 [win] emacs 1632 sig_send: returning -1 from sending signal
  184 98385979 [win] emacs 1632 kill_worker: -1 = sig_send, Win32 error 0
  277 98386256 [win] emacs 1632 kill_worker: -1 = kill_worker (1632, 14)

I can also send you the full log if necessary.

FYI, (and hoping I'll get back my beloved emacs :)

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