pipe performance problem

thomas tom@huno.net
Thu Nov 28 19:12:00 GMT 2002

Randall R Schulz <rrschulz@cris.com> wrote:

> problem. In particular, you'll need to supply a patch script that will
> allow others to replicate your results and evaluate whether there are any 
> potential problems with your solution that you're might be overlooking.

There's already my problem. I don't consider what i've done to make the
problem dissapear, basically skipping 20 lines of code, a solution. It
is a hack at best. So i cannot offer that to the list.
My skills are limited and i have not much of a clue what is going on
there in the code that i skip, it seems like a bunch of checks and the
resulting 10ms delay. The function name already suggests that it checks
if there is sth. in the pipe, and if not wait 10ms.

Now my hack works perfectly for cat/mkisofs on the one and
cdrecord/cdrdao/dd on the other side of the pipe, but there must've been
a reason why the checks were added, and so it *might* completely brake
another application.

I cannot fix that problem. So i was hoping with the work i've done
someone who is familiar with the code can.

I will post a 4th thread on this summarizing the problem.


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