[gdb-20020718-1]: problem with tcl_pkgPath when starting gui gdb

Nicholas Wourms nwourms@yahoo.com
Tue Sep 3 10:42:00 GMT 2002


I've discovered a little more information regarding this problem.  As
it turns out, the behaviour is only caused when check_case:strict is
enabled.  Otherwise, it works fine, which is really strange.  I
installed it via setup.exe, so I'm not really sure why the case would
be different?  All of my directories were either created by setup or
by me inside bash.  The rub of this matter is that: 
case_check:strict is required to use gcj.  So this can be a real PITA
if ya know what I mean.  Anyone have any thoughts on this?


P.S. - For the archives, this was my original post:

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