re. problem report: gawk 3.1.1

Randall R Schulz
Wed Sep 11 13:48:00 GMT 2002


At 13:37 2002-09-11, you wrote:

>--- Randall R Schulz <> wrote:
> > Nicolas,

Apologies. I confused your name with that of a "Nicolas" in another forum.

> > There are those who find it rude to allow advertisements to be injected
> > into your mail so that you can think of it as "free."
>By what standards?  There's a whole hell of a difference between
>plaintext ads and html/animatedgif/javascript bs.  You're missing the
>point I fear...

I'm not missing a point, I'm making one.

Your unwillingness to pay for a service results in a cost borne by all the 
recipients of your messages. It's not the perceived degree of blatantness 
to which I object (I've become quite able to ignore all the flashing 
animated advertisements on Web pages, where I've come to expect them even 
if I don't like them). Rather, it's the injection of commercial messages 
into an otherwise non-commercial forum to which I object.


Randall Schulz
Mountain View, CA USA

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