dumb escaping question when using Cygwin + NT commands

Scott Prive Scott.Prive@storigen.com
Wed Sep 18 15:40:00 GMT 2002


I get this odd problem when calling NT commands from Cygwin. I am single-quoting the data, but the way I'm doing things (probably wrong...) does not like passing $1 function arguments to NT commands. If I hardcode the arguments internally, everything works.

The two example functions below are intended to behave identical.

#!/bin sh

mount_drive () {
   # Syntax: net 'use' '*' '\\redhat\foo' 'foo' '/user:foo'
   net 'use' 'F:' '\\redhat\foo' 'foo' '/user:foo'

   echo "The command returned $?"
   return $?;

mount_drive2 () {
   net '$1' '$2' '$3' '$4' '$5'
   echo "we saw in mount_drive2: '$1' '$2' '$3' '$4' '$5' "

   echo "The command returned $?"
   return $?;

mount_drive2 'use' 'G:' '\\redhat\foo' 'foo' '/user:foo'
############# END SCRIPT

the output I get from mount_drive2 is standard "usage info", indicating I passed arguments incorrectly. However the debug echo *looks* correct.

Someone please point out my mistake, else I'm doomed to some ugly hackish workarounds ;-)



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