A request?

Gord Wait Gord_Wait@spectrumsignal.com
Tue Apr 15 22:39:00 GMT 2003

Hi folks,
I'm a satisfied customer of the cygwin tools, and appreciate all the effort
put in to this free software package. Thanks to cygwin I'm able to use most
of the benefits of a unix developers environment (cvs, make, perl, rsh, ) on the
windows network at work, for FPGA development.  

I would like to request that the cygwin "distribution" move towards a "versioned" release format,
similar to how most linux distributions run. 
Perhaps this is more of an educate the dumb user (me) question, but right now, it seems to me, if I tell my colleagues to 
go install cygwin, that we'll end up (over time) with each of us with slightly different versions of each of the parts of cygwin,
as incremental improvements are made and released by the cygwin team. 

It would make for a much more consistent and manageable result if I could say - go install cygwin version "5.5" for example,
much in the same way I can say, go install Slackware Linux 8.1

If there is already a way I can cause a consistent installation for all my co-workers, I apologize,
and point me in the right direction!

Gord Wait

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