What is the minimum needed to run gtar?

Larry Hall cygwin-lh@cygwin.com
Fri Aug 8 02:49:00 GMT 2003

Brian Dessent wrote:

> Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
>>Yes, you're quite correct.  Cygcheck will only list the DLLs that the
>>program is statically linked to (that is, it's linked to the import
>>libraries).  If the program uses dlopen() or LoadLibrary() to load the
>>library (like rxvt does with libX11/libW11), cygcheck will not list that
>>library in the list of dependences.  A quick and dirty test for that would
>>be "strings program.exe | egrep -i 'dlopen|loadlibrary'".  Finding out
>>exactly which libraries are loaded with this mechanism won't be as easy
>>(because in some cases the DLL name may be constructed dynamically).
>>Strace might help with that somewhat, at least for dlopen() calls.
> I'm pretty sure the "Dependency Walker" program can trace these dynamic
> runtime library loading situations.  http://www.dependencywalker.com/

Yep, looks like it can if you ask it to.  Convenient.  Wonder why MS
didn't distribute this (or similar) version with some VC++ 6 SP...

Larry Hall                              http://www.rfk.com
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746

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