[Bug] 1.3.18-1: Problem with arrow keys and rxvt/bash/mc

Pavel Tsekov ptsekov@gmx.net
Mon Jan 13 03:30:00 GMT 2003

On Thu, 9 Jan 2003, Marcel Telka wrote:

> Hi.
> I'm starting bash in rxvt using this cygwin.bat file:
> =============8<===============
> chdir \cygwin\bin
> set EDITOR=vim
> set VIM=/usr/share/vim/vim61
> set CYGWIN=codepage:oem tty binmode title
> rxvt -bg black -fg white -g 120x50+30+80 -fn "lucida console-16" -sr -sl 5000 -e bash --login -i
> =============8<===============
> >From bash I'm starting `mc` without parameters. After upgrading cygwin
> package from 1.3.17-1 to 1.3.18-1 I've observed a problem with arrow keys
> in mc. Up/down/left/right arrows produces sometimes upper letters (for example
> 'D' while pressing left) instead of a cursor moving. To repruduce try run mc
> and press the arrow keys in blue mc's window (for moving cursor through
> files or moving cursor left-right in command line).

I'll try to investigate as soon as possible. Right now I'm preparing to 
release version 4.6.0-pre2 of 'mc' but there seems to be some strange 
problem with the updating of the current selection position when 
moving with the arrow keys, which I havent had enough time to debug 
properly. It is not the same problem that you experience though - I'll
try to find out whats going on in the weekend.

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