[perl #10008] Not OK: perl v5.8.0 on cygwin-multi-64int 1.3.12s(0.5332) (UNINSTALLED)

Christopher Faylor cgf-noreply@cygwin.com
Fri Jan 17 22:55:00 GMT 2003

On Fri, Jan 17, 2003 at 05:40:17PM +0100, H.Merijn Brand wrote:
>Now that I managed automatic install of snapshots :))) I traced it back.
>20030113 OK
>20030114 OK
>20030115 Crash on above cd
>20030116 Crash on above cd
>20030117 Crash on above cd

Can you give me more information on your environment?  What shell are you running
that returns a '#' prompt?  Is /P/perl-current/ext/Data just a simple directory
under root or is it mounted somehow?  Any other details you can think of would
be appreciated.

If you could send cygcheck -r -s -v output as an attachment to cygwin@cygwin.com
(please *do not* Cc me -- I read the list), it would be appreciated.

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