Why do symlinks need to be system files

P. Brockill pbrockill@hotmail.com
Fri Jul 11 01:42:00 GMT 2003

>Sure.  Use new-style symlinks (i.e., shortcuts).  They only need to be
>read-only, IIRC.  Make sure your CYGWIN variable doesn't contain
>"nowinsymlinks", though.
>	Igor
Sounds right enough, but: don't the new-style symlinks always contain
the full path to the file (e.g. e:\some_dir\some_file.ext)?  (Although I
see from the text of the .lnk file that they also keep a cygwin path in
the comment section as well)
So say I want to make a link on a CD to another file on that CD called
e:\some_dir\some_file.ext . Won't this fail when I try to see the link
on a computer where the CD drive is d: ?
Thanks for the help,

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