output suppressed in ssh session

Tim Wright timw@polyserve.com
Fri Jun 6 00:37:00 GMT 2003

Hi all,
I'm not subscribed to the mailing list (so please reply directly if you
wish to), but encountered this problem as detailed in the email by
"Crispin Bivans" a few days ago to this list (I used the site web search
to find the email).

I was running Cygwin 1.3.17, and using ssh to an account configured for
Domain Admin access. This worked fine. Now I have upgraded to 1.3.22,
and whilst most programs still work fine, the output from 'net.exe' has
disappeared. It's clear that the program still works - if I do a 'net
stop servicename' then it takes the appropriate amount of time and the
service stops, but the output gets lost. I just though I'd give another
example of the problem with an easy "reproduce by". This is Windows 2000
Server SP3, if that's at all relevant.



Tim Wright <timw@polyserve.com>
PolyServe Inc.

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