[ANNOUNCEMENT] New release of setup.exe (

Pierre A. Humblet Pierre.Humblet@ieee.org
Fri Mar 14 14:21:00 GMT 2003

Markus Schönhaber wrote:

> The way setup behaved is exactly the way I expected it to and the way I
> would consider right. But you seem to consider this a problem. Obviously I
> did miss the point here - maybe we are talking about different things.
> It's not about the "Select Root Install Directory" dialog where you can
> select to install for "All Users" or "Just Me", is it?

Nope, see below.

> I just started setup under a non-privileged account and XP's mechanism to
> show the "Run as Administrator" dialog when starting a program called
> "setup.exe" or "install.exe" kicked in.
> Maybe this is what you meant? If so - it worked for me.

Yes, that's it. You seem to be very familiar with it. 
Where is it documented? Is it language dependent?

The main question is: what's the group of the files (Users or Administrators)?
If it's Administrators and Everyone does not have access, then most normal
users probably don't have rx access.


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