Subversion eol-corrupting jar files on update

Max Bowsher
Mon Jul 19 08:12:00 GMT 2004

Karr, David wrote:
>> I'm having trouble with the svn in Cygwin corrupting jar
>> files on update or checkout.  It's doing an eol translation.
>> I've specified ".jar" in my svn properties, to indicate that
>> it should use the "eol-type" of "native".  My "mount" table
>> shows everything in "textmode".  Do I have to change to
>> binary in order for this to work?  I would have thought the
>> eol-type setting in the subversion config should deal with this.
> If the Cygwin port of subversion is really just using the mount mode to
> determine this, then that seems like a bug to me.  Someone else pointed
> out to me that subversion is able to determine that the "mime-type" of
> ".jar" is "application/octet-stream", and that should imply that it
> should do no file conversion.

Ugh, textmode. Been so long since I've used it, I'd forgotten about it.

/me mentally prepares himself for adding a slew of binary flags.


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