tcsh terminate unexpectedly

Dave Korn
Tue Jul 20 09:48:00 GMT 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of bobmills1
> Sent: 19 July 2004 21:26

> I'm running cygwin on a WIN2k server and have the following 
> trouble with a tcsh executable script.
> *When run from an login shell (tcsh -l) the script runs without error.
> *I recently attempted to run the script from the WIN 
> scheduler and the script terminated unexpectedly. The 
> Properties of the shortcut program used in the scheduler was 
> "tcsh name_of_script".
> *The script always terminates at the same point so it is not 
> a random error.
> My questions are;
> 1. Why would a script that runs normally when run 
>    interactively, terminate
>    when run in the scheduler.

  Different username?  Different permissions and access rights?  Lack of the
INTERACTIVE group in the logon token?  There are various environmental
factors that differ when you run something from the scheduler rather than
from the command line as the logged on user.

> 2. What would be the best way to debug (tcsh -xn     
>    name_of_script)?
>    Because is shuts down unexpectedly and the shell 
>    disappears these techniques would be difficult to     
>    utilize.

  Sprinkle it full of lines that say

echo Still alive here! >> /scriptlog.txt

and then see how far it gets through them to identify the failing command.

  Or perhaps, just get the scheduler to launch a tcsh shell, then run the
script manually from that; it should still fail in the same way.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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