/cygdrive command line completion?

Fred Kulack kulack@us.ibm.com
Fri Nov 12 20:23:00 GMT 2004

One option might be to just use a cygdrive prefix of "/". Its a bit
more natural to me. 
cd /c/Program\ Files

Of course, your mileage may vary and I'd guess it may not always
work depending on how the mounts versus cygdrive prefixes are parsed. 
        mount -u -b --change-cygdrive-prefix "/"
        mount -s -b --change-cygdrive-prefix "/"

But it works for me...  When it doesn't, change it.  No Fear.

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Fred A. Kulack - IBM eServer iSeries - Enterprise Application Solutions
ERP, Java DB2 access, Jdbc, JTA, etc...
IBM in Rochester, MN  (Phone: 507.253.5982   T/L 553-5982)
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