g++ compilation header difficulties (where are they?)

Russell Martin martin@dcs.warwick.ac.uk
Thu Apr 28 12:08:00 GMT 2005

Al Slater wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Russell Martin wrote:
>>program only results in a "No such file or directory" error.  Using
>>"find", I can only locate (for example) "stdlib.h" and there is no file
>>"stdlib" anywhere.  I do have a file "iostream" in the
> I beleive the header you want is cstdlib.

Yes, that works.

>>euler.cpp: In function `int main(int, char**)':
>>euler.cpp:21: error: `string' undeclared (first use this function)
>>euler.cpp:21: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
>>for each function it appears in.)
>>euler.cpp:21: error: parse error before `;' token
> string is in the std namespace so try std::string or add "using
> namespace std;" near the top of your file.

Okay, that works too, and it takes care of the "deprecated" warnings too
when I was using the header files 'iostream.h' and 'fstream.h' (instead
of the more current and correct 'iostream' and 'fstream').

I hadn't realized that there are new ANSI C++ standards for specifying
the inclusion of headers in your code (at least they are new to me!!).
Since I don't program all that much, this was the first trouble I had 
when I encountered them.  I will have to read up on these to avoid
further difficulties in the future.

Many thanks for your help!

>>Despite the fact that the header file "string" is located in the
>>directory /usr/include/c++/3.3.3 the compiler seemingly can't locate
>>it.  This is puzzling since it lists this path in the #include
>>search path above.  Even placing the source code into the
>>/usr/include/c++/3.3.3 directory and trying to compile it there gives
>>the same error.  What am I overlooking here, or not understanding?
> Why do you think it was not found, the compiler did not output any error
> messages indicating this.

I was assuming that it wasn't found based on the error messages

'euler.cpp:21: error: `string' undeclared (first use this function)
euler.cpp:21: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once 
for each function it appears in.)'

that I was getting.  However, with the directive you gave me (the
"using" above), everything seems to have cleared up.  Once again, I
must read up on the new standards and their proper usage.

Thanks again!


> - --
> Al Slater
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