[Bulk] RE: Crash when accessing usb storage devices after updating from cygwin 1.5.20-1

Dave Korn dave.korn@artimi.com
Tue Aug 14 17:35:00 GMT 2007

On 14 August 2007 17:19, Thomas wrote:

>>   Disable the Embassy Trust Suite fingerprint reader software ?
> I could dance. Or maybe roll the drums.

  Heh, you could.  Maybe the power of spiritual healing could fix your
computer too.  However, that wasn't an entirely random suggestion from me:
read on.

> I once read in some change log that there was some change made after
> 1.5.20-1 that appeared to be related to this problem. Unfortunately, I
> forgot what it was. But my guess would be that the person that made this
> change could know what is causing this. Maybe. Could a virus checker
> (Nod32) be causing this? Well, in the meantime I downgraded again.

  Well yes, it could be a virus checker, or other security-related software;
it could be anything from the Big List of Dodgy Apps:

Sonic Solutions burning software containing DLA component
Norton/MacAffee/Symantec antivirus or antispyware
Logitech webcam software with "Logitech process monitor" service
Kerio, Agnitum or ZoneAlarm Personal Firewall
Iolo System Mechanic/AntiVirus/Firewall
Windows Defender
Embassy Trust Suite fingerprint reader software wxvault.dll

  Do you have any of those?  They've all caused similar problems in the past.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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