[ANNOUNCEMENT] [test-version] emacs-22.1-3/emacs-el-22.1-3/emacs-X11-22.1-3

Ken Brown kbrown@math.cornell.edu
Mon Jul 23 23:04:00 GMT 2007

On 7/23/2007 5:33 PM, Ken Brown wrote:
> Emacs-22.1-3 aborts with a core dump when I try to compile a large 
> latex document (a 750 page book, split into several input files) under 
> auctex 11.84.  It works OK with simpler latex documents.  I used the 
> X11 version of emacs, started from an xterm window, and I use miktex 
> 2.6 for the latex compilation.

I should have added that the crash *only* occurs under X; the 
compilation works fine if I just run cygwin.bat and then start emacs.


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