missing audio folder in cygwin octave-forge installation

Luyi Chen lychen1109@gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 04:52:00 GMT 2007

I installed latest version of octave-forge in cygwin, but there's no
audio folder in this location:

[cygwin home]\usr\share\octave\site\m\octave-forge

My computer runs Windows XP sp2.

I am following the standard approach:

1. start the setup.exe application
2. choose a mirror site (I have tried couple of mirrors, all installed
3. In the math directory, click the skip in front of octave-forge
until it shows the latest version, it's March 2006 version
4. the program download and install the packages without any problems.

As I expected there will be a folder named audio in the above
location, but there isn't. Other folders like comm, signals, etc are
right there.

Anyone know why?


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