mingw headers and libraries missing

Georg Troska georg.troska@uni-dortmund.de
Tue Jul 28 09:58:00 GMT 2009

thank you very much for this information

Where o I find windsock.h and its library? Do I need a SDK (e.g.  
Visual C++) for this?

Am 27.07.2009 um 21:29 schrieb Andy Koppe:

>> 2009/7/27 Georg Troska:
>>> I want to compile some code with -mno-cygwin.
>>> Unfortunately some mingw-libs are missing (sys/select.h, sys/ 
>>> cdefs.h). also
>>> the corresponding libraries
>>> How can I get them?
>> You can't, because MingW doesn't implement select().
> ps: Windows itself has a select() in <winsock.h>, but that only works
> on sockets and not on any file as required by POSIX and implemented by
> Cygwin.
> Andy
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