"svn --version" halts in 1.7.2-2

Andy Koppe andy.koppe@gmail.com
Sat Mar 27 16:39:00 GMT 2010

Charles Wilson:
> Hmm.  I remember having transient problems with svn and many of the
> 1.7.0 snapshots, but they were intermittent and I had bigger fish to
> fry.  I don't recall any issues with 1.7.1, nor am I having any trouble
> with 1.7.2.  However, I would not be surprised if
> (a) the "problem" is some intermittent interaction between
> cygwin-1.7.x's completely redesigned file name handling and an old,
> statically-linked, compiled during the 1.5.x era, libltdl
> (b) the reason you didn't see it in 1.7.1 was just that -- it's
> intermittent, and you didn't HAPPEN to see it during that 3-month window.
> (c) if libsasl2 had been linked against the DLL version of cygltdl, then
> perhaps none of this would have happened -- since I try to keep the
> officially distributed libtool more-or-less up to date, and rigorously
> tested.

Not that I understand any of the details, but there've been changes to
atexit() handling in 1.7.2; perhaps they're something to do with this.
Might also tie into the thread about rxvt not exiting.


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