Octave 3.6.4 cannot plot in X server

Yuxiang Wang yw5aj@virginia.edu
Fri Aug 16 00:39:00 GMT 2013

Dear all,

I have installed Octave with Cygwin 64-bit, under Win 7. Besides
octave-3.6.4-1, I also installed xinit and xlaunch according to the
doc, and gnuplot just in case.

However, when I start X terminal, open octave (that all went
successfully) and enter plot(1:5), I got the following message:

octave:1> plot(1:5)
      0 [main] octave-3.6.4 2708 child_info_fork::abort:
C:\cygwin64\bin\cygoctave-1.dll: Loaded to different address:
parent(0xF00000) != ch
error: popen2: process creation failed -- Resource temporarily unavailable
error: called from:
error:   /usr/share/octave/3.6.4/m/plot/private/__gnuplot_open_stream__.m
at line 30, column 44
error:   /usr/share/octave/3.6.4/m/plot/__gnuplot_drawnow__.m at line
72, column 19

Would anyone please help me with this?

Thanks so much!


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