Wrong file permissions

Erik Soderquist ErikSoderquist@gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 14:19:00 GMT 2016

On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 3:59 AM, Björn Kautler  wrote:
> Hi Eliot,
> thanks for your answer.
> It seems this was an issue with the NTFS permissions.
> I also was not able to access the folders via Windows Explorer.
> After also fixing the Windows permissions it works now as expected so far.
> Do you really think I got a new SID on the new box when logging in
> with the same user of the same domain?
> Can I check this somehow?

Your domain user SID will remain the same, however, all of the local
machine's domain SIDs will be different as it is a different host on
the domain, so I would expect permissions problems for any/all machine
specific installations when doing a raw perms copy.

> Why should the setup be redone on a new box?
> I'd need to do redo all installations, configuration, and so on.

I usually do this via script.  Besides, after copying, unless you
first do a full update on your source every time you'd still need to
update to current for the latest fixes.

> Besides ths permsissions issue I had, why shouldn't I just copy over
> the whole cygwin root directory?
> Everything cygwin related should be in there, isn't it?

I would imagine all of the *files* are present in the cygwin root, but
I've never checked, and a simple file copy, even if the adjustments
are made to result in the correct permissions, will not get things
like registry entries.  (I don't know how many there are, but do know
I've seen some).

-- Erik

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