[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: curl 7.71.1-1

ASSI Stromeko@nexgo.de
Tue Aug 11 05:15:13 GMT 2020

Brian Inglis writes:
> - it complains that perl(DBD::SQLite) perl(IO::Pty) are not installed - how do
> these and your other perl module dependencies map to Cygwin packages?
> I also mean that in general - how can I map a perl module to a perl package and
> vice versa - for future info?

You go look up the distribution that provides this mocule on MetaCPAN
and then install perl-<distrib-name>.  Eventually though, such these
dependencies should be listed in the cygport file with their Cygwin
package names as BUILD_REQUIRES.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

SD adaptations for KORG EX-800 and Poly-800MkII V0.9:

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