objects created in a dir w/cygwin mangled perms; inherit no-access

Sam Edge sam.edge.cygwin@gmx.com
Tue Aug 24 06:19:42 GMT 2021

On 23/08/2021 20:31, L A Walsh wrote:
 > On 2021/07/15 01:23, Sam Edge via Cygwin wrote:
 >> (By the way, the permission workaround is another good reason for
not installing in system root if advice from the authors of Cygwin -
Corinna et al - isn't enough for you.)
 > ---
 >     Except that at one point, most of the cygwin developers installed
cygwin at '/'.  That you don't know that shows how long you've
 > been using cygwin.

For the record, I've been using Cygwin for twenty years or more. For
that entire period the recommendation has been not to install in C:\ or
the root of any other drive. (I've been using UNIX since 1983 by the way
and Windows since version 3.0 not that it makes any difference to the

 >     I have other reasons for my setup.  My windows system has most
 > of my files on a remote, linux system.

Which can be accessed using //host/path (using S4NFS or SMB) or via
Cygwin fstab mounts regardless of where Cygwin is installed locally.

 > When I'm using the linux
 > shell, for example, I can bring up explorer for the directory I'm
 > in by typing 'explore [opt. path]'.  My Doc dir, among others is the
 > same on Windows as on Linux ~/Documents or /d/.  If I'm running
 > a prog on linux, and it asks for a browser, it launches my browser
 > on Windows.

You're not using a Linux shell. You're using a POSIX-like shell compiled
for Cygwin. It's different. For example '//path' on Cygwin accesses
remote filesystems whereas on Linux it doesn't.

If you're running a program on Linux it'll launch whatever it is
configured to launch.

If you're running a Cygwin program it'll do the same, which with
appropriate use of cygpath can launch Windows Explorer (explorer.exe) or
your browser. For example my EDITOR variable launches Notepad++ and 'git
difftool' launches Windows native KDiff3 and they work for any Cygwin
path not just my C drive, converting to Windows when assembling the
command line to pass to the native applications.

I think Andrey covered the rest of your arguments fairly comprehensively.

Sam Edge

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